
Discipleship is one of the most important works of the church. We believe that discipleship begins in the family unit, and is strengthened through the offerings of the church. We strive to help teach children, youth and adults ways to grow in their faith and we do this through:





Wednesday evening Acts 29 Learning

Join us on Wednesday evenings at 6:30 p.m. for our Acts 29 time of learning and fun! Youth in Kindergarten through 12th are invited to participate in our Wednesday evening activities. At 6:30 p.m. we begin with a worship time followed by breakout sessions designed for children and youth. All are welcome to join!

We ask that all parents fill out a child info sheet as well as a waiver before their child begins Wednesday Faith Formation.  Find forms here


Confirmation class will meet monthly Sunday afternoons at 3:30 p.m. Our 2021 Confirmation year begins September 19, 2021. Students in seventh grade (or older) begin Confirmation. Confirmation is a two-year program. Confirmation takes place in the Spring. Anyone who would like to learn more about being a Christian in the United Methodist tradition is welcome to join our classes. Contact Pastor Kathy for more information at 507-382-2483. Call or text.

Adult Bible or Book Study

The SandCreek Massacre Book Study is led by our Parish Justice Coordinator, Cindy Saufferer. All are welcome to join. This summer study wraps up the third Tuesday of August at 6:30 p.m. Watch for our next learning opportunity!


Vacation Bible School

Vacation Bible School is being planned for the 2022 Summer.

 We ask that all parents fill out a child info sheet as well as a waiver before their child begins VBS.  Find forms here.